Our Partners - NCCHC Foundation

Thank you!

Partners in Correctional Health

Partners in Correctional Health are generous donors committed to working together through the NCCHC Foundation to advance the field of correctional health through an annual gift.

Diamond Partners $100,000+

NCCHC 300x300

Titanium Partners $50,000+

phys correctional 300x300

Gold Partners $10,000 - $24,999

Silver Partners $5,000 - $9,999

Deborah Ross
Deborah Shelton
Rappahannock Creative Health
Physicians Correctional USA

Bronze Partners $1,000 - $4,999

Jim Martin
Joseph Penn

Supporters $250-$999

American Correctional Nurses Assoc. 
Sharen Barboza
Patricia Blair
Paula Braverman
Pamela Brooks
Tim Cote
Jay Cowan
Brenda Fields
Richard Forbus
Cheryl Giddens
Barbara & Christopher Granner
Alison Jordan
Newton Kendig
Edward Kern
Barbara Kurent-Byrum
Susan Laffan
Robert Morgan
Mary Muse
Amy Panagopoulos
Peter Perroncello
Rebecca Pinney
Loretta Reed
Susan Schultze
Mary Silva
Kim Sterling
Rita Torres
Jim Voisard

Friends $1 - $249

Angela Adeniyi
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 707
Lionel Anicette
Zenaida Asiain
Brenda Bailey
Doris Battle
Michelle Beattie
Carolyn BoMarc
Nancy Booth
Kelly Burk
Richard Clarke
Jennifer Clifton
Eva Enoch
Arnold Feltoon
Kevin Fiscella
Terri Franklin
Jose Garriga
Gilead Sciences, Inc.
Pamela Gottschalk
Deborah Gross
Lawrence Guzzardi
Corinthia Harrison Ross
David Hernandez
Denise Hinkle
Sharon Hoffman
Richard Hough
Janet Huckemeyer
Robin Hunter Buskey
Gil Joya
Bernadette Kane
Michelle Kelly
Laura Killion
Lauren Kreiss
KellyAnne Lee
Sharon Lewis
Thomas Lincoln
Elizabeth Lowenhaupt
Mary Mac Kinnon
Marci Mackenzie
Florencio Magallanes
Pauline Marcussen
Pablo Martinez
Anthony McCoy
Brenda Messer
Fred Meyer
Nicolett Miller
Cherie Minor
Teresa Moore
Carol Moores
Robert Morris
Lilia Nash
Melinda Newman
Gilbert Noe
Orthodontic Assoc of Northwest OH
Andres Ozual
Patricia Paterson
Geoffrey Perselay
Amber Popovitz-Gale
Patricia Reams
Nicholas Rencricca
Robert Richardson
Mark Rick
Jayne Russell
Alan Ryan
Deborah Savaiano
Todd Schwartz
Regina Simmons
Tiffany Sims
Merideth Smith
Nancy Smith
Jorge Sousa
Sylvie Stacy
Michelle Staples-Horne
Kawannon Taylor
Hortense Turner
Ruby Udan
Barbara Wakeen
Claire Wolfe
Sophia Zuganelis

Thank you to our generous donors.  Every effort is made to list all donors accurately.  We sincerely apologize for any omissions or errors in spelling.